Ask Denovo - Are You in the JDE Community?

We are all members of a vibrant JDE community, but have you yet connected with your JDE Community inside Oracle? There is one for E1 and one for World:

For JDE EnterpriseOne

For JDE World

When you click on these links, you'll see Categories of topics. (If the links above don’t work, you can also try this link then choose JDE EnterpriseOne or JDE World from the list.) Clicking on one of these topics gives you the ability to "Follow" that group, getting email notifications when there are new posts in those areas. 

(Click image to enlarge)

The left panel in the MOSC (My Oracle Support Community) also has links to upcoming webcasts, tips on MOSC usage, and quick links. 

If you don't have a My Oracle Support sign-in, we can help!

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