Denovo provides Security Operations as a service to our Cloud customers and some remote customers. The service includes the follows:
- 24 x7 Security Operations Service Desk
- Monitoring and Management of Security Tools
- Incident Notification, Management, and Resolution
- End-Point Detection, Response Management, and Delivery Assurance
- Intrusion Detection, Prevention Monitoring, and Management
- Administration of Security Tools and Technologies
- Security Health Checks
- Vulnerability Scanning, Management, and Remediation
- Comprehensive Management Reporting

Denovo provides Security Operations as a service to our Cloud customers and some remote customers. The service includes the follows:
- 24 x7 Security Operations Service Desk
- Monitoring and Management of Security Tools
- Incident Notification, Management and Resolution
- End-Point Detection and Response Management and Delivery Assurance
- Intrusion Detection and Prevention Monitoring and Management
- Administration of Security Tools and Technologies
- Security Health Checks
- Vulnerability Scanning, Management, and Remediation
- Comprehensive Management Reporting